No, we don’t mean hopping in the Minnie Winnie and taking local dentistry to the streets!

We’re talking mobile phones, dental practice accessibility, and local online visibility. Rumor has it those nifty little handheld lifestyle accessories we call cell phones will be the leading gateway to the Internet in no time at all. But don’t take our word for it, when Morgan Stanley speaks you better listen.

Regarding pace of change, we believe more users will likely connect to the Internet via mobile devices than desktop PCs within 5 years.”

How is your dental practice currently applying mobile accessibility to communicate with your existing patients and the surrounding local community?

Well it’s time to develop a unified digital locker plan for your dental practice!

Appointment reminders are a good start, but that’s only the beginning. If we all believe mobile phones will soon be our number one method of connecting to the Internet, shouldn’t we be preparing all of our practice communications to go mobile?

Your dental website, your monthly newsletter, your practice Facebook page and Twitter profile, your online study groups; everything should be going mobile if it hasn’t already. Even your case presentations and patient education modules should be adapted to be displayed on mobile devices and tablet computers.

How many people sit in your waiting room and access the Internet through their mobile phones?

Try that survey in your office if you need some convincing on the mobile dental practice marketing development issue. Then rush right out and get your personal dental practice QR code to profit from your mobile dental practice marketing. Can you imagine the response if people were able to save on say something like teeth whitening by simply scanning and downloading your unique mobile coupon?

Here are some more mind-blowing mobile stats for you to mull over while you’re developing your mobile dental practice marketing mojo.

  • By 2013 mobile phones will surpass PCs as the most common web access device worldwide. Source: Merrill Lynch
  • The most used apps across all smartphones in the US are Facebook, Google Maps and The Weather Channel (TWC). The most popular categories are games; news; maps; social networking and music. Source: Nielsen
  • By 2012, nearly 217 million Americans will be online, or about 71% of the population. Source: eMarketer
  • Would Google rank mobile websites (.mobi) with priority above .com websites if the person searching is using a mobile phone???
  • You can use your very own unique QR code to improve the performance of offline direct mail…

The Social Dental Network predicts this for the future of your dental practice; how you plan, prepare, and execute your mobile dental marketing strategy will have a direct impact on your practice bottom line!

How will you use mobile dental marketing to increase your digital signature and enhance overall online practice visibility?

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